Description: Spin in electronics Research - Grenoble - France
SPINTEC has currently several postdoc positions open to work on spintransfer-torque nano-oscillators based on magnetic tunnel junctions. Spintorque driven excitations within magnetic tunnel junctions show a large range of interesting, non-linear dynamic effects that are promising for low power implementations within wireless communication or unconventional computing systems. The different projects address at the same time […]
Lundi 24 Juillet à 14h, Samuel Manceau SPINTEC/LPC2E soutiendra sa thèse intitulée : Développement d’un magnétomètre miniaturisé à base de jonctions tunnel magnétiques pour applications spatiales Lieu : Université d’Orléans. Cette thèse co-encadrée SPINTEC (Université Grenoble Alpes) et LPC2E (Université d’Orléans) sera soutenue en mode hybride avec une retransmission vidéo dans l’auditorium 445 Bat. 10.0,5 […]
On Tuesday, July 25th 2023, we have the pleasure to welcome in SPINTEC Tomosato Hioki from University of Tokyo. will give us a seminar at 14:00, entitled : Coherent oscillation between phonons and magnons Place : IRIG/SPINTEC, auditorium 445 CEA Building 10.05 (access to CEA needs pass (*)) visioconf link : Meeting ID: 947 […]