splatartsfestival.co.uk - The SPLAT FESTIVAL is back on July 13th 2019! | Splat Art Festival

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Arts Active Network is an arts project run by 3 primary schools in South Leamington Spa in partnership with Warwick Arts Centre. St Patrick's, Sydenham and Clapham Terrace Primary Schools have worked over the last year with artists on a series of ‘See, Make, Share’ activities allowing them to see the work of professional artists in a variety of artforms, make new works of art of their own inspired by these visits and then share them with the other schools and with friends and families.

After the success of the first festival in 2017, the schools are excited to bring back Leamington Spa’s only family arts festival, created by and for children.  Not only have the children created new art works and performances to share with you at the festival but they have created a ‘festival management group’ to make all the decisions about what will be there and happen on the day – we hope you can join us on July 13th from 11am - 4pm!

Go straight to the Splat Arts Festival Page to see what's happening at Jephson Gardens..