Launched in April 2017, Sportsmed Activ is a holistic injury management and performance enhancement center. Our key objective is to facilitate back to work / sports. We achieve this by designing a tailor-made regime for you; this could include physiotherapy, sports science and other therapies such as penumatic technology gym.
Physiotherapy aims to develop, restore and maintain maximum movements and functional ability throughout the lifespan. Movements and function may be threatened by injury, pain, aging, disease, disorder or environment factors. Physiotherapists, using knowledge and skills unique to them, assess movement potential and formulate goal-based management programs through a team approach that includes the client, other health professional and family members.
It is all about understanding and using the science of Sport in combination with the knowledge of human movements systems to make efficient training schedules, prevent injuries and amplify performance. Sports science assessment helps identifying lacunae in an athlete’s regime and suggest corrective measures for the same.