- FES - SRGM 2022

Description: FES - SRGM 2022 - The Spotlight Report on Global Migration (SRGM) focuses on key issues affecting migrants at the grassroots, national and regional levels. It brings grassroots organizations, activists and communities’ voices to the forefront in speaking to decision-makers at the policy-level.

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The project and its activities will help to generate momentum for progressive position concepts for a development-oriented, gender-responsive and rights-based global migration policy in the global policy arena. The focus will be on the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration at global, regional and national level and the related forums. States will report on implementation at the first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in 2022.

The IMRF’s 2022 Global Review of the progress on implementing the Global Compact for Migration offers an opportunity to feed into the process through generating evidence that captures migrant experiences from the ground and presents civil society in the processes. The Spotlight Report will inform advocacy efforts to examine progress and emerging issues for migrants from a human rights perspective.

The overall goal of the publication is to contribute to the improvement of the lives of migrants by elevating their voices and ensuring their relevant perspectives are visible and evidenced in advocacy efforts to further the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and other human rights mechanisms focused on migrant protection.

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