Description: Unprocessed wildflower honey from Southeastern Minnesota.
minnesota (3673) mn (2328) honey (1108) raw (696) wildflower (75) spring grove (27) hobby farm (17) unprocessed (12) spring grove honey (1) 21319 county 33 (1)
Spring Grove Honey 21319 County Road 33 MN 55974 United States ph: 507-498-3059 alt: 507-458-4445 tvdeter @gmail .com
Honeybees visit about two million flowers to make one pound jar of honey. One single bee typically visits 50-1000 flowers a day. Although an average working bee makes only 1/12 of a tablespoon of honey in her entire lifetime, one colony can produce 30-60 pounds of honey per year.
The flavor of the honey is a result of the nectar of the flowers the bees collect. The color also depends on the flower in which the bee collects the nectar.