spyairline.com - Intro - Spy Airline

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Real life story of a 2020 camping trip that leads to uncovering of a massive fraud & other crimes committed by people associated with the international security/intelligence community.

An excerpt from October 12th 2020 Zoom call with my coworkers ( who happen to be intelligence/security agents, of which no one informed me prior to my employment, thus, putting my life in grave dange r) from Vista Jet. It was mentioned in the 70 page report submitted to the Police.

At the time of this recording, I did not make any connection between the odd behaviour, situations with the July 11/12 2020 camping trip. At that time, my theory was (and this is mentioned in the original 70 page document submitted to the Police on Nov 24th 2020) that it all was linked with a ‘private’ 2015 footage of mine and Leah H. secret ‘romance’ with my friends in Poland, whilst her simultaneously creating an impression of being interested in me. This footage itself, fits the definition of a “protecte