spycode.at - SPyCoDe

Description: The SPyCoDe (Semantic and Cryptographic Foundations of Security and Privacy by Compositional Design) special research programme takes a comprehensive approach to security and privacy of IT architectures by focussing on cross-layer interfaces.

it (18637) security (10054) project (5934) austria (2277) privacy (2031) cryptography (287) sfb (37) fwf (12) spycode (1) compositional design (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The SPyCoDe special research programme takes a comprehensive approach to security and privacy of IT architectures by focussing on cross-layer interfaces.

Funded by FWF in the years 2023–2026, and coordinated by TU Wien, SPyCoDe is a collaboration between 5 research institutions across Austria.

Its 14 projects connect foundational research in security and privacy with systems and applications as well as blockchains.

Links to spycode.at (1)