squirespatio.org - Jim & Jan Squires Community Patio – Congregational Church of Hollis

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The Jim and Jan Squires Community Patio is a vibrant venue for community activities. This gathering space is prominently located on the east side of the church at the corner of Monument Square and Broad Street. As a tribute to the Squires’ commitment to community, the patio is a place where neighbors can meet neighbors and where townspeople can welcome out-of-towners. ABOUT JIM & JAN SQUIRES Jim and Jan Squires settled in Hollis in 1971 and have been active members of the community ever since. They raised f

The patio naming opportunity has been valued at $250,000 due to its highly visible location as the centerpiece of the church renovation. In line with their belief of giving back to the community, a value which Jan and Jim instilled in their children, the Squires family has generously gifted over half the cost for the patio hoping to inspire others to invest in our community by donating generously in Jan and Jim’s honor.

Click HERE for more information about Jim & Jan Squires and the patio in their honor. November 14th Jim & Jan Squires Patio Dedication!  On a crisp fall day, the Congregational Church of Hollis, U.C.C., celebrated the opening of its new community patio with a private dedication and thanks to Dr. Squires and his family. The Jim and Jan Squires Community Patio honors long-time residents, Dr. James (“Jim”) and Jan Squires. Dr. and Mrs. Squires have been pillars of the community since moving to Hollis in 1971.