- Home | Scientific & Regulatory Consultants Inc.

Description: We guide our clients through registering antimicrobial, pesticide and other products with the EPA, FDA and state agencies.

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SRC offers expertise from over 220 years of combined service to the pesticide and antimicrobial industry. Our team holds memberships in HCPA , CCSPA , PCPC , ISSA , AATCC , APIC , AOAC , ASTM , ACC Center for Biocide Chemistries , and BCA .

Our consultants provide scientifically-sound, cost-effective, and timely solutions to issues facing our clients. We are available to guide you through each step of the registration process.

Managing compliance with EPA, FDA, and International regulations can be challenging. Our team tracks regulatory changes and alerts you to upcoming regulations to assist you in establishing a process and plan for your compliance

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