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Description: ENTAX Consulting is a leading SR&ED consulting firm based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We have 3 Partners with 28 years of experience with SR&ED.

development (16338) research (8638) innovation (8063) r&d (473) cra (160) tax credits (69) sred (20) sr&ed (17) canada revenue agency (6) scientific research & experimental development

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ENTAX is a Research & Development advisory firm for technology companies. We specialize in Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits and other Government incentives across all industries for companies large and small. As technology company advisors, we provide a full scope of SR&ED tax credit and incentive expertise and provide the highest quality service. Our goal is to build long term, positive client relationships and with our Government agency partners.


Get reliable, specialized SR&ED assistance for your clients.