- Srushtidnyan

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The flood in Chiplun on July 21, 2021 caused tremendous damage to property, life, and people’s livelihoods. Additionally it has now also affecting people’s health with immediate risk of infections, hunger, poverty and further loss of life. Covid-19 pandemic, frequent lockdown, and now the flood have broken down the back bone of rural economy. Given the scale of devastation, tremendous efforts are now required to help people rebuild their lives.

Earth Day अर्थात वसुंधरा दिन. देवरुख मध्ये ए एस पी कॉलेज मध्ये सायकल क्लब सुरु होऊन एक वर्ष झालं. या निमित्ताने आणि वसुंधरा दिनाचे औचित्य साधून देवरुख मध्ये नियमित सायकल चालवणाऱ्या महिला व पुरुष तसेच मुले आणि तरुणांचा सन्मान करण्यात आला. Hats off to ASP College, Dept of Geography, Dept of Botany, Nature Club to make this initiative run on real bicycles. A special mention of Ankita jadhav, our Bicycle Club Ambassador for bicycling more than any of us in the club….so keep bicycling! Save the Earth! Be Climate

In India, the food-grain like rice and wheat and other pulses are consumed by the people from the market and from the Public Distribution System (PDS) shops. It is produced largely with chemical fertilizers and pesticides; hybrid and genetically modified seeds; high energy-intensive food processing and fossil fuel consuming transportation.