- SSHCO | South Sudan Healthcare Organization | Non Profit

Description: The Southern Sudan Healthcare Organization (SSHCO) was started by two of the Lost Boys of Sudan in 2008. It opened its Maar clinic in 2012...

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In 2022, it built an education center for primary children. Its agricultural expert helps families learn best practices in farming so that they can have food security during the dry seasons. Providing saving loans groups help provide livelihoods for families and helps the community become self-sufficient. Working together with the community and its leaders will help develop a community that can govern itself.

The floods of 2020 that devastated half of South Sudan, taught SSHCO to have plans in place so that it can act quickly to assist the people in the times of crisis. 

Since its creation, the clinic has provided unprecedented levels of healthcare to the people in Maar and the  surrounding areas. The clinic has provided thousands of people with a better life.

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