- Stammel .com / - Personal information and travel website for Hans & Jacqui Stammel

Description: Stammel .com / - Personal information and travel website for Hans & Jacqui Stammel - San Remo WA - Australia

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Example domain paragraphs

We originally bought the domain name '' with the intention of setting up a website for the name 'Stammel' - expecting people from around the globe to be interested to have a small page or just a link to their own little corner in cyberspace from this 'name' site. It just did not happen. I had one person contact me - even after trying to initiate contact with many (for years). By now we also own "" & "" - So here it is now reborn as a very personal website - just about u

GB, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Malaysia

GB, France, Spain, Germany, Prague, Amsterdam, Malaysia

Links to (2)