- Stamp Collection Articles, Philatelic Resources, Stamp Collecting Tips for Stamp Collectors

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Stamps are small self adhesive paper cut outs having amazing art works printed on them and are used as a means for paying postage. Stamps are miniature icons and memento of major national events and achievements. Before the concept of stamps was originated, the person at the receiving end of the postage was been charged depending on the number of pages sent by post and the distance it has traveled. Stamps made it all easy as we could now pay before hand for the postage making it far more convenient for both

Stamp Collection, also called philatelic, as a hobby can help one understand cultures and events of major countries of the world. There are two ways of collecting stamps – one is collecting used stamps and the other is to collect unused or mint stamps. To begin with there is no harm in collecting used stamps. This might give you an initial shove in stamp collection and help you understand different types of stamps available from various countries. You can then probably decide upon a theme for your stamp col

Thematic philatelic would limit your stamp collection to a single subject or country. To begin with you should opt for a more general topic for stamp collection. To start with, gather stamps from all possible areas and then you may sort them by country or animals, butterflies, sailing ships, important national events, etc. There are more than 200 countries till date that are producing stamps every year and these stamps cover almost every subject that a human mind could possibly imagine.

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