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Description: Buy guns online, including handguns, rifles, shotguns, and more. Browse our extensive inventory and find the perfect firearm for self-defense, sport shooting, or hunting.

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In this crucial time, Americans need a reliable pro-gun organization that is willing to think outside the box, standing ready to take the fight to the gun-grabbing left…the American Gun Coalition is here to answer the call.

With politicians, big tech, big pharma, and big media fueling more division in America via senseless and unconstitutional government mandates, corporate censorship, increased gun control measures and failed policies such as defunding the police, America is experiencing an unprecedented rise in crime and civil unrest. As a result, more and more Americans, especially non-traditional consumer groups, are buying firearms to defend themselves and their families despite the best efforts of the left to limit or ou

Recognizing the need for an aggressive, data-driven, grassroots powered 2A advocacy group to capitalize on this opportunity, Tony and Sherrie McKnight of Big Daddy Unlimited, founded the American Gun Coalition. We recognize the importance of grassroots engagement, having a fact-based, aggressive messaging strategy, and holding our elected officials accountable. Our goal is to represent the overwhelming call for liberty by American gun owners through building a nationwide community of advocates and freedom-l