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Description: ·是一家亚洲龙头企业公司【实力雄厚,诚信为本,尊贵VIP通道vip】天博APP,天博APP登录,多款游戏,直播视讯,优质画面体验感满满!以客户为中心,打造最有影响力品牌!

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宏盛公司是由一批在热交换器行业有着20多年丰富的设计及制造经验的专家创建的民营企业。公司发展至今,产品广泛地应用于工业设备,铁路机车和汽车等领域,逐渐成为中国铝合金天博APP官网行业的领导者之一。 宏盛公司目前有60%的产品出口到20多个国家和地区(比利时,德国,美国,意大利,巴西,印度,日本,澳大利亚等)。 宏盛公司是集设计、制造和测试于一体的天博APP官网供应商,我们提供标准的系列产品,同时也为客户提供符合他们要求的完美的解决方案。 Hongsheng was founded in China in 2000 by a group of intelligent people who have more than 20 years of Engineering and Manufacturing experiences in heat exchanger industry. Today the private-owned company is one of Chinese leaders in the manufacturing of Aluminum brazed heat exchangers usin


Hongsheng Heat Exchanger Technology Center was established in 2002.It is located at Mashan Industrial Park in Wuxi of Jiangsu Province, which has numerous advanced facilities and computer simulation softwares.