Description: Sailing - Sailboat charters on the Chesapeake Bay on DreamCatcher, a Hunter Passage 42. Providing sailboat charters, sailing instruction, sunset sails, full moon cruises, wedding and honeymoon charters.
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Have you just gone out and on a whim bought a new or used sailboat because it looked to be fun and enticing? Have you just realized you know nothing about sailing? Have you just realized you need help? You have just clicked your way through the internet to the right place to find some answers to these quandaries and some other subjects you may be curious about. is for the eclectic minded individual with a broad horizon of interest. provides portholes to a variety of information sources to provide you a means to learn more. If you have ever run aground or hit a reef, the porthole to the World of Geology may help you determine why you ran aground and what it was you hit. Are you new to sailing and need instructions in Boating and Boating Safety, then the Boating Safety porthole will connect you to individual State requirements
If you enjoy Sailing through a world that is large with multiple and diversified aspects of life, this site will guide you through portal entrances to a variety of subject areas. From rocks and minerals to financial markets which are moving the commerce of the world of stocks, bonds and trades over an electronic sea, Starboard Beam will provide you with information to meet your diversified needs and interests. A s once sailing ships moved the commerce of countries over the vast watery oceans and seas of t