Description: We believe in helicopters. We believe that, in the right hands, they can make a good experience an unforgettable experience. Find out more...
“As a pilot you cannot buy experience; as our customer, you can” David Voy, former owner and Chairman
1978: John Paul II becomes Pope; the first test tube baby is born; the cellular mobile phone system is introduced; Starspeed Ltd is registered as a helicopter company.
During the ensuing 40 years, there have been many new developments in helicopter technology and capability, but some things have remained constant. From the start, the founders of Starspeed sought to establish the best processes and systems for delivering unequalled customer service, and many of those same principles guide us today; they are part of our culture, our way of doing business. Key amongst these are that safety is paramount, the client’s best interest is our best interest, good attitudes make al