- — a LowJS reactive web app (part 1) | Medium

Description: An app using Hotwire Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams, SSE, Reactive Spring WebFlux, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flows, Thymeleaf, and very little JavaScript.

Example domain paragraphs a LowJS reactive web app — Part 1 Josh Graham

This is the next in a series of #LowJS articles, which started with sample code for an introduction to Hotwire . It used a reactive Spring WebFlux backend with Thymeleaf templates and Kotlin Coroutines , and one of the examples sent updates to the frontend using HTML content in Server-Sent Events (SSE).

We continue now using a full-blown, real-world application (called “”) which expands on the use of the above technologies and includes Kotlin Flow s in the mix — the latest reactive streams abstraction in Kotlin to replace RxJava and Project Reactor wrappers.