Description: Steampunk shenanigans at Queen CityQueen City Steam is a Steampunk organization focused on uniting the Steampunk community through events, conversations and supporting other Steampunk organizations. Through communication, understanding and unity, we can make the Steampunk world a great place to call home!
Holiday Inn & Suites, Cincinnati-Eastgate, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 16th - 18th June 2023
Founded in 2012, The International Steampunk Symposium is an annual three day festival in Cincinnati, Ohio. The weekend’s programming includes workshops, music, entertainment, exhibits, an eclectic vendor hall, and our signature event…The Steampunk Olympiad.
With the help of a stellar Symposium crew, many enthusiastic guests, volunteers and creatives, this annual Steampunk celebration “Under the Big Top” is sure to be the best one yet!