- Tony Steers Photography, home page

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Tony Steers Photography

Hi and welcome to my website. Having this online portfolio is purely a vanity project, and I hope at least some of the images here give you, the viewer, some pleasure. The site isn’t set up to make sales, but if there’s something you think you might like to buy, please e-mail me via the contact page with your enquiry and I’ll get straight back to you.

February 2023 finally saw a long-planned site update come to fruition. A slimmed-down offering, shifting the text-heavy areas across to a standalone “blog” site and returning steers-gallery to a simplified, image-led showcase. Fewer images, and an apparent shift towards more monochrome and the inclusion of some digital images, and even some pinhole (folio 4). It’s interesting now, to see how my photographic interests have changed since I first took on this web space. I plan to periodically update and refres

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