- Vienna International Pianists - Piano Masterclasses and Competition

Description: “Vienna International Pianists“ offer with their master classes “VIP Academy“ and the “International Rosario Marciano Piano Competition“ an exclusive, diversified summer program for young pianists in a culturally unique environment.

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       DEUTSCH        ENGLISH          Die Vienna International Pianists bilden ein Forum für konzertierende Künstler und Nachwuchsmusiker. Gegründet wurde die Vereinigung im Jahre 1988 von dem spanischen Pianisten José Francisco Alonso; seine Nachfolge übernahm 1997 die gebürtige Venezolanerin Rosario Marciano. Seit ihrem frühen Ableben 1998 werden die Vienna International Pianists von dem Pianisten Stephan Möller und dem Komponisten Jorge Sánchez-Chiong geleitet. Zu den wichtigsten Veranstaltungen der Vie

    The Vienna International Pianists were founded in 1988 by the Spanish pianist José Francisco Alonso, in order to create a community of renowned concert artists and young student musicians. Alonso’s successor as head of the organization was the Venezuelan native pianist Rosario Marciano; since her early death in 1998 the association has been led by the pianist Stephan Möller and the composer Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. Major activities of Vienna International Pianists are a concert series in Vienna, the annual