- Stephen Bradbury Art | Artist

Description: Official website of Artist and Illustrator Stephen Bradbury, who lives and works in Cornwall as a full time artist and illustrator producing over 350 book covers for over 20 years. Authors include, Arthur C Clarke, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May, H G Wells, Joanna Trollope, RosamundePilcher and many more. Books, Reflections, the Art of Stephen Bradbury published by Paper Tiger and Facets, have been written about him. Recent artworks, paintings, canvases , drawings, music,photos,and blog.

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Example domain paragraphs

Art / Paintings / Illustration / Facets / Voids/ Colour Series

Welcome to the Official STEPHEN BRADBURY website.

A selection of contemporary artworks painted, drawn and created by me in recent years are here for you to look at, hopefully, enjoy and find thought-provoking. There's also a selection of works from my career as an illustrator within the site.