- Rankin File - ruminations, fulminations, and cogitations on the spiritual life

Description: ruminations, fulminations, and cogitations on the spiritual life

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ruminations, fulminations, and cogitations on the spiritual life

All of us who knew Billy (William J.) Abraham (1947-2021) were stunned last week when we received the grievous news of his death.  Since then, I have read several moving remembrances. Some of Billy’s seminary and graduate students have written eloquently. I was not one of his students, but nonetheless want to add my little contribution to what no doubt will be a massive body of such offerings. I learned so much from him.

My first encounter with Billy was an embarrassing one.  I am pretty good at sticking my foot in my mouth and I did so on this occasion. (I’m sure Billy is glad he does not have to hear me tell this story one more time.) It was 1988 and I was moving from pastoral ministry into a graduate program that involved a role as Teaching Fellow in United Methodist Studies.  This task sent me to a workshop at Duke Divinity School, with other teachers of United Methodist studies.  As I recall, there were maybe 20 or so