- Stephen Troese Jr |

Description: Are you going to college soon and not sure how to balance your studies with your social life? Stephen Troese, Jr. provides a few easy tips to keep in mind.

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Stephen Troese Jr. Blog

In 1980, Stephen Troese, Jr. started college at Indiana University-Pennsylvania as a student-athlete. He played college football here, so he has a thorough understanding of the difficulties often encountered by students when they first start college. Living in a new place away from home where you may not know anyone can be quite a shock. You are responsible for attending class and possibly also work, and there is nobody looking over your shoulder to make sure you get everything done. You must learn how to d

Although it has been nearly thirty years since Stephen Troese, Jr. was a freshman at IUP, he is the father of children who are now themselves going to college. He understands that there are many challenges faced by today’s students. It has never been more expensive to go to school for one. In addition to that, there are many temptations out there that could easily derail studies, making it incredibly important to stay organized and have a good support system in place. While some do experience growing pains

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