- Manuscript. Head. Drawer. – Never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer.

Description: Never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer.

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Never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer.

Photo by Justin Campbell @ Unsplash. Hi, all! I couldn't resist going back and sharing this post from my very first blog waaay back in the day. It gives me joy, haha. Hope your Friday, November 13th has been swell! (Original post 10/31/2007, Writingscape V1.0) Why I'll always have a soft spot for Friday the… Continue reading Why I’ll always have a soft spot for Friday the 13th. →

At this point in this journey with Daddy, things happened that I still, to this day, can't explain. Things that, at the time, should have been impossible. Things that I will be forever thankful for. ❤️ The last thing I wanted — including him getting diarrhea, diaper rash, or an upset stomach, as you can… Continue reading [daughter chronicles] Slice 13: Living with Vascular Dementia when you don’t have it. →

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