- StepManiaThings - StepManiaThings

Description: StepManiaThings - More StepMania downloads than you'll ever need...

the (19167) dance (9594) in (9282) groove (1038) revolution (552) step (432) ddr (388) mania (79) konami (28) stepmania (8)

Example domain paragraphs

Hello faithful StepManiaThings users! I'm genuinely surprised people are still using this site, but apparently lots of people still do. In the interest of keeping these old files avilable for people that want them I'm going to keep this site running as long as possible.

That being said... I've switched web hosts and I now pay for bandwidth, so I've throttled all of the downloads to incredibly slow speeds. Hopefully this will encourage people to use the torrent instead of downloading directly.

Hey everyone, so since the chances of me actually being able to fix the issue with the site are slim I've decided to make all of the downloads available via a simple directory listing. Find it by clicking the "Downloads" link on the left.