- Steve Gordon

Description: Steve Gordon's website for cycling, skydiving, canoeing, power kites and photography

photography (49928) photos (14022) cycling (2594) results (1733) canoeing (477) steve (472) skydiving (258) gordon (195) sportive (158) power kite (26)

Example domain paragraphs

Cycling, motor racing & Photography Email : [email protected]

I'm not a fan of social media, so this website is just a place to collect together cycling & sportive events , links to live tracking, as well as a few photos of skydiving, power kite flying, canoeing and photography .

This tool will convert a garmin .fit file into a .gpx file , including corrupted files. The gpx file will contain heart rate and cadence data if present in the fit file. The tool attempts to cope with corrupt fit files, by ignoring any data that appears to be invalid, and attempting to find the next piece of valid data.

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