- Data Intelligence Lab @ KAIST

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Software 2.0 is a fundamental shift in software engineering where machine learning is prevalent and data becomes a first-class citizen, on par with code. The goal of the Data Intelligence Lab is to pioneer the inevitable trend of Responsible/Trustworthy AI , Data-centric AI , and Big Data – AI Integration . We work closely with the industry (Google Research, Microsoft Research, NVIDIA Research, Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and SK Telecom). Check out our vision paper Responsible AI Challenges in End-to-end

We are looking for experienced Post-docs and highly-motivated Masters and PhD students . If you are interested in joining the DI Lab, please read this first. Here is a list of recommended courses and a lab fair poster designed by my students.

Latest News [2023/4] Improving Fair Training under Correlation Shifts accepted to ICML 2023 (Top Machine Learning conference). Congrats Yuji Roh!

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