- About the Foundation for Medical Innovations

Description: Transforming innovative startup projects in the field of life science into marketable products.

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After studying electrical engineering and medicine at the Technical University of Munich, our foundation chairman Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Eberthart Zrenner successfully spun off several startups. It has always been his goal to turn knowledge gained at scientific institutes into new, helpful products for people. For example, together with numerous partners, he developed a retinal chip that enables blind people to regain their vision to a certain degree. In implementing this idea, he experienced for him

Since Prof. Eberhart Zrenner has always been enthusiastic about the many possibilities offered by the latest technology, molecular biology and microelectronics for new therapies and aids for patients, he remains committed to actively advancing this field as role model. That is why he established the Stiftung für Medizininnovationen (Foundation for Medical Innovations) in 2014. Therefore he donated prize money that he himself won over the course of his life through the research and development of medical tec

Founder Prof. Eberhart Zrenner

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