Description: St. Martin of Tours, Deeply Reverent and Rich in Catholic Tradition. Perpetual Adoration, Trinitine Mass, and Wholistic Catholic Church Community in Louisville KY.
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Parish Highlights Take a LookAround! 360° Virtual Tour of St. Martins. ( Click image to View ) Out Reach of St. Martin of Tours Mouse over or click icons below, to view information on different out reaches of St. Martin of Tours. OUR Out Reach The Shrine of Saints Magnus and Bonosa St. Martin of Tours is entrusted with the care of these two Roman martyrs: St. Magnus, Centurion and Martyr, 207 A.D and St. Bonosa, Virgin and Martyr, 207 A. D. Tradition & History Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, Eucharistic
Parish Highlights The Shrine of Saints Magnus and Bonosa St. Martin of Tours is entrusted with the care of these two Roman martyrs. St. Magnus, Centurion and Martyr, 207 A.D and St. Bonosa, Virgin and Martyr, 207 A. D. Tradition & History Stations of the Cross, the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Trinitine Mass, traditional stainglass windows, sacred music, inspiring paintings and statues. Click read more to see the traditional art work of St. Martin of Tours. Music & Organ The primary focus of the music pro
The Shrine of St. Martin of Tours is a special place of devotion, prayer and piety… a treasure of the entire Archdiocese of Louisville. Like Catholic Shrines all over the world, it is especially dedicated to prayer and devotion to the liturgy, service to the poor, and veneration of the saints. A place of pilgrimage, where the Faith is flourishing and where the Word of God is preached in its fullness. Here for over 170 years and open 24 hours a day, our Shrine provides Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration of our