- St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Description: Website For St. Matthew Lutheran Church

hawaii (2960) kauai (351) koloa (6) st. matthew lutheran church (1) st. matthews of kauai (1)

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We celebrate Divine Service each Sunday. We gather together at the call of God to receive the gifts that He so graciously wishes to pour out on us. It is His Service to us. In each element of the service, every tradition, and every ceremony confesses the promises of grace found in God's Word.  As we gather together in fellowship in our small congregation here on the south shore of Kauai, we know that believers around the world are celebrating with us, receiving the same Body and Blood, using the same tradit

St. Mathew began as a small group of families that came to the Lutheran faith from a wide range of Christian backgrounds.  Almost every adult member converted to Lutheranism being granted a desire for a worship that is centered around what God does for us, learning a deep respect for God's Law and a great appreciation for the Good News of His Grace especially considering our failure to perfectly keep His Law.  For most of us there was much study and personal searching to find a church that focused on what G

We are a mission endeavor of the California/Nevada/Hawaii district of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod .