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Description: NGR International Stones for Living manages imports of natural stone for international retail clients from the extraction and processing to the logistical flow.

innovation (8063) quality (6932) natural stone (557) raum + (471) natursteine (334) schiefer (195) sandstein (161) natursteinprodukte (3) marke ngr (2) globale natursteinbeschaffung (2)

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Stones for Living

The brand NGR® has been known for many years for high quality and extraordinary natural stone products originating from more than 20 countries. We are a medium-sized owner operated enterprise and work with retail clients and producers on three continents.

Our customers are serviced with individually developed merchandise as well as professional support in logistics- and marketing services. NGR® understands the practical challenges and risks of global purchasing as well as the trade-specific requirements of products and services.