Gradually being built. Under construction. Last revised 8/10/23. email: [email protected] [since 5/29/23] RHIC-EDOM means Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control - Electronic Dissolution of Memory . RHIC-EDOM was developed by 1963, and RHIC-EDOM is still in use today. It is probably the earliest usable mind control technology produced by the CIA\s Project MKUltra, an approx. 20 year 1953-1973 CIA mind control research project with more than 100 subprojects. I'm guessing that it might
Articles that mention RHIC-EDOM include: Accidental FOIA Reveals Mind Control Documents; Here’s Further Evidence This Technology Exists . [April 22, 2018.] 8/6/23 Explanation for Posting Draft Version Notes: This is a DRAFT version of my upgrade notes. I am posting this draft version because B2 and/or Jay started experimentally trying to kill me with allegedly 35 decibel heart attack RHIC-EDOM mind control technology DEW or directed energy weapon zaps. I don't think they'll kill me, but better safe than s