- Stop Oregon Sanctuaries - SOS - Vote Yes on Ballot Measure 105 | no sanctuary cities

Description: Stop Oregon Sanctuaries - SOS - Vote Yes on Ballot Measure 105 | no sanctuary cities

oregon (4413) cities (573) sanctuary (415) aliens (391) illegal (74) 105 (49)

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The 2018 Ballot Measure 105 was defeated. The defeat leaves in place an illegal alien sanctuary statute that undermines U.S. sovereignty and law, encourages illegal immigration to Oregon, and gives elected officials an excuse to release criminal aliens. To fight Measure 105, our opponents raised almost $8 million, compared to our $400,000. Our campaign, comprised of volunteers, fought well-staffed labor unions, liberal advocacy groups and self-described 'faith' groups. At every turn, newspaper editorial boa

Measure 105 was not about racial profiling, or about fear of the police, or about legal immigrants. It was about allowing state and local law enforcement officers to more easily work with federal immigration authorities in the removal of criminal illegal aliens from our communities.

Since 1987, Oregon Revised Statute 181A.820 has kept Oregon's state and local law-enforcement agencies from offering their fullest cooperation to the U.S. authorities charged with identifying and detaining illegal aliens. In doing so, the law has effectively rendered Oregon a "sanctuary" state for foreigners here illegally.