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Fact sheet, "Why Should There Be a Free Opt Out Fee for Smart Water Meters?" The smart water meters provided by Neptune emit high levels of radiofrequency radiation (RF) every 15 seconds or so, radiation that has been shown by many research studies to damage DNA, disrupt immune function, cause heart and brain tumors, and other negative health effects. Children are especially susceptible. Some believe repeated exposure to RF can cause sensitivity to it, thus starting a vicious cycle that makes it difficult f

Neptune advised the City of Kingsland that these meters are safe. But they based that on faulty information. Based on unbiased scientific research on RF, they are not. They emit radiation at levels up to  eighteen hundred   times higher  than some suggested limits. And the fact that these water meters pulse radiation makes it worse, because the body doesn't have a chance to get used to it.

FCC/EPA guidelines do not cover non-thermal radiation damage, the kind caused by RF emitted by these meters. Their guidelines only address damage caused by actual heating of human tissue.

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