- Stop the Cap!

Description: Promoting Better Broadband, Fighting Data Caps and Usage-Based Billing

Example domain paragraphs

Time Warner Cable wants you to pay $3.95 a month for their cable modem. Find out how to avoid this fee and learn more about why they are charging it.

On Nov. 7, AT&T announced a plan that seeks to scrap rural American landlines, compelling customers to sign up for AT&T Wireless to continue home phone and broadband service. Abandoning the reliable rural landline has serious consequences for customers that will be indefinitely stuck with usage capped, expensive Internet access and potentially unreliable cell phone service.

Why live with the poor choices and high prices offered by the local cable and phone company? You don't have to sit back and take what they give you anymore. An increasing number of communities are building their own fiber-to-the-home networks, delivering 21st century broadband service to local residents and businesses. Keep the economic benefits working right at home!

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