- Sto Vounó

Example domain paragraphs

The trend is for organisations whose theoretical brief is wholly or partially the support of women, to actually prioritise the interests of biological men over women, where those interests are in conflict.  A salient example is the National Council of Women NZ (NCWNZ), which describes itself as ‘an umbrella organisation working towards true gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand’.

Last year the National Council of Women first invited me to participate in a mayoral debate for women candidates then deplatformed me, writing in an email:

‘In order to guarantee the safety of our members and wider attendees of Annual Women’s Debate 2022, we have made the decision to uninvite you from the panel. We cannot justifiably provide a platform for the views we’ve seen you support, whilst simultaneously fostering a safe and inclusive environment for the communities we aim to protect and represent.’

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