- Stream Reasoning

Description: Reasoning upon rapidly changing information flows.

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Reasoning upon rapidly changing information flows.

More and more applications require real-time processing of data streams in oil&gas operations, in weather monitoring, in customer relationship management, in Smart Cities and in Social Media Analytics. For instance, in the last two domains, is public transportation where the people are? Who is driving the discussion about the top 10 emerging topics across all the social networks? A system able to answer those queries must:

Indeed, systems capable of tame the velocity dimension of Big Data exist. They can provide reactive fine-grained information access and analysis even in the presence of noisy data streams. Similarly, recent research on Data Integration and Semantic technologies – in particular on scalable Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) – can tame the variety dimension of Big Data. OBDA can offer fine-grained information access to heterogeneous and incomplete datasets by reasoning on complex domain models so to rewrite on

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