- Student Council

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The Student Council? We are a group of students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and The Sandberg Institute. As a council, we want to lend a hand, share knowledge, and listen carefully. We are here as representation and see ourselves as a bridge providing students and staff with information and resources. We are here to create a place for more care and would like to cultivate an even ground for all students.

The Student Council was formed from student-organised initiatives and has since become an officially paid working student position in the academy, each year around November we look for new members. We have an advisor and a coordinator. We have a non-hierarchical organizational and decision-making structure. We have a meeting once a week, mostly on Mondays. 

We host two funding rounds a year, always around February and October, we fund student-led projects that engage with the community. Like the Garden Department, Bring your own book fair, the Rietveld Living room, Vinyl floor project and many other projects. Yet, we are always open to new ideas!

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