Apostle Paul wrote the Gospel and Epistles for the first time, and imported entire Jewish Bible (Old Testament) in traditional Jewish piety. wik je jv nrsv greek greek hebrew read watchcrime
" It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for some who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:25) 骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进神的国,还容易呢。(马可福音 10:25) "The sabbath (law & rule) was made for mankind, and not humans for the sabbath (law & rule)." (Mark 2:27) 又对他们说,安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日设立的。(马可福音 2:27) "You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and
"Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." (Mark 10:44) 在你们中间,谁愿为首,就必作众人的仆人。(马可福音 10:44) "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12) 所以无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人。因为这就是律法和先知的道理。(马太福音 7:12)