- Submarines Association Australia - National

Description: The site for Submarines Association Australia. Submariners of all nations are welcomed to join this unique group.

australia (7858) maritime (898) navy (773) naval (240) submarines (59) ran (53) silent+service (9) submariners (8) subweek (2) submarine foundation (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Submariners worldwide are a special breed, rarely understood by mere mortals and never understood by skimmers. Submariners of all nations understand this and show respect to each other, knowing the hardship and danger that each has faced to achieve membership to that elite club to which they belong.

The Association's aims and goals are:  •To keep alive the unique "esprit  de corps" of the Submarine Service;  •To establish and maintain a charitable trust, being a welfare foundation; •To assist one another as occasion may require and to encourage social activities; •To liaise with kindred organisations, both nationally and internationally; and, •To educate members about their entitlements and provide access to Department of Veterans' Affairs advocates    The Association maintains a close relationship wit

16 February 2023

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