- Accueil - Success Partner

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What makes each of us unique is the way we understand success. It is how we anticipate change and how we impact on others.  We sometimes need an accountability partner to identify skills that might survive disruption,  to help us transition, and to turn our weaknesses into strengths.

Call me a ‘ disruption optimist ’ if you want, but after 20 years working as a strategic communicator at global level, and having set up an  NGO focusing on public value  and sustainability, I know how crucial it is to control change before change controls you.

I have worked with Secretary Generals, Ministers, CEOs, Board Chairs and Board Members on large-scale projects and value-based programs. I have served on executive committees and as a strategic communicator in global organizations, such as  Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty , the  Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe , and  Transparency International .