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After being an EFT practitioner for eight years, I've learned so much I couldn't possibly share it all. These are my own thoughts about the matter. You can take that for what it's worth. 🙂

What it all boils down to is energy. E=MC 2 . One of the understandings of this equation is that matter IS energy. For an intriguing discussion of how much "potential" you have and how "powerful" you are, read this . You have more energetic potential than many times the energy of one atomic bomb. Cool!

What is energy? Well, I'm going to get spiritual here, because that's just who I am. I could just as easily present from a scientific angle. But today, it's a spiritual explanation.I find it interesting that the world was SPOKEN into creation. Likewise, a great battle in heaven referred to in Revelation was also won by WORDS. The Creator of the world said, "Let there be light." And the record confirms, "there was light." The light was good. We are told in the New Testament that Jesus is the Light of the wor

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