Example domain paragraphs

Farming is a tough job, and climate change and global warming have made it even tougher. Farmers are one of the worst affected by these changes as they lead to increased pest attacks, fungal infections, and other forms of crop stress which result in nearly 30% crop yield loss globally before harvest. Crop protection is one of the hardest aspects of farming, but with the help of AI and Robotics we make it easier for farmers to protect their crops from these threats so that they can get maximum yields at harv

We ensure early detection of crop stress before the damage becomes irreversible. To achieve this, we use a combination of drone, sattelite, and ground based smart sensing techniques to monitor crops at regular intervals. This allows us to detect any signs of crop stress weeks in advance before it becomes visible to human eye, allowing for enough time to take corrective measures.

Our advanced deep learning based crop analytics platform provides an accurate diagnosis for the cause of stress in crops. This allows us to generate a tailored prescription that tells which crop protection medicine must be sprayed, and in what quantity, to ensure the best possible result. By using our platform, farmers can reduce their losses due to crop failure and maximize yields by utilizing effective treatment plans.

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