- Sunday Comfy - Sunday Comfy

Description: Sunday Comfy

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On July 5, 2018 we walked into Spring Valley Hospital at 10 pm full of excitement and nervousness of not knowing whats to come. After getting checked in they “checked me” and I was only 1 cm and 30% effaced, I had been 1 cm for 3 weeks now so I wasn’t surprised that much had not changed. At 11pm they gave me medicine to start the induction process, we were already 40 weeks and 5 days at this point so we were definitely ready to meet our little man.  During this time I was supposed to “rest,” and that defini

At 3:30 am they came in to check me again, and see if I had progressed at all…I hadn’t. I had become “softer” but I was still at 1cm. The nurse could not give me the next dose of medicine because my contractions were coming on too frequently, she gave me some extra fluids via IV and had me drink a ton more water. My contractions slowed but I was still having too many within a 10 minute period to get the next dose. I was feeling discouraged as nothing had progressed, and we were just waiting on my body to re

At 6:10 am I was STILL at 1 cm, and he was in the -2 position, which means he was still high up and not ready to come. At 7 am, my doctor started pitocin, which strengthens and induces contractions. An hour later my doctor came to do her rounds, Matthew was out of the room grabbing breakfast and then my doctor decided to break my water, weirdest feeling ever! I texted him saying what happened during the brief 15 minutes he was gone and I don’t think he left again after that. At 9:20 they came in again and u