- 米兰体育·(中国)官方网站-MILAN SPORTS

Description: 米兰体育·(中国)官方网站(以下简称MILAN SPORTS)引进国际领先的艺术地坪生产施工技术,专注于艺术地坪产品的研究和发展,集技术研发、设计、生产、施工、售后为一体,产品入选全运会、农博会、大运会等国家重点建设项目。米兰体育·(中国)官方网站企业累计捐款达382000多万元,并于2012年在花都区民政局注册成立米兰体育·(中国)官方网站慈善基金,在社会上产生了一定的影响力和示范效应,对促进行业的发展也作出了贡献。

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Sundora & Dgendu was established in Switzerland in 2013. Dorota Łęcka and Gérald Durand are both choreographers and dancers of the company. Their work emphasizes the exploration of the physicality of the body and its “mediative” capacity. They dedicate their research to the understanding of human potential which can be discovered and expressed through the endless possibilities of creativity.

Dorota Karolina Łęcka was born in Warsaw, Poland

She completed her professional dance education in contemporary dance by gaining Bachelor and Master diploma at the Institute for Dance Arts at ABPU in Linz, Austria. She worked with MuTerminal and Company Gergye Krisztian in Budapest, Hungary, Rose Breuss/Cie.Off Verticality and Editta Braun Company in Austria, Rootless Root Dance Company and with Joe Alter Dance Group in USA. In 2011 she began her ongoing collaboration with Compagnie Linga in Pully, Switzerland.

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