- Home sunola - A division of Nölle Kunststofftechnik GmbH

Description: Deutschlands größter Hersteller von Gardinenzubehör und Sonnenschutzsystemen - mehr als 5.000 Artikeln zur Dekoration rund um das Fenster - über 70 Jahre Erfahrung - Qualitätsware von der Vorhangstange bis zum Plisseezubehör - Kundenspezifische Verpackung in Blister oder Beutel - made in Germany

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Terrace roof and winter garden shading with a difference

Internal instead of external shading gives you the possibility of individual design, is mainly weather-independent and offers protection from radiative cooling in the evening hours.

External sun protection (e.g. roof awnings) cannot always be installed or is not always required. There are terraces or winter garden which are not exposed to such intensive sunlight and/or are located in special buildings (listed buildings). This is where the advantages of interior sun protection apply, as it fits discreetly into the surroundings.

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