- Metal Recycling Facility Serving Fullerton, CA

Description: For a reputable metal recycling facility, contact Sunwest Metals Inc. We proudly serve Fullerton, CA, and Orange, CA, as the leading facility in the area.

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Incorporated in 1981, Sunwest Metals Inc. is a full service recycling company based in Anaheim and serving the greater Los Angeles and Orange County area. Since its inception, Sunwest Metals has become one of the leading metal recycling organizations in Southern California, providing invaluable services to builders, commercial businesses, and local residents. Known for offering superior value, Sunwest continues to develop and expand its products and services to meet the needs of a growing and changing custo

Address: 1150 N. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92801

Toll-Free: 1-800-60-SCRAP (72727)

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