Description: Children (8-11 years old) in Singapore are empowered through engaging art and craft workshops at Supa.Mindo, fostering critical thinking.
Fostering creativity in children is of utmost importance as it nurtures critical thinking, emotional expression, innovation, confidence, adaptability, and a love for lifelong learning. Encouraging their imaginative exploration allows children to develop independent thought, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills. It also boosts their self-esteem, prepares them for an ever-changing world, and lays the foundation for future innovation. By embracing and nurturing their creative potential
The goal of every parent is to instill in their children the ability to think for themselves. Our goal at Supa.mindo is to teach young children how to think from a young age.
Every child is a thinker, and with our programme, we want to lead them to think, generate ideas, and inspire them to express themselves. By imparting our knowledge and skills to the next generation, we hope to ensure a bright future for them.